Check out all the fun we are planning…

We are the Community Benefit Club of Weld

with a mission to provide community service, events, fellowship and support to the citizens of Weld, Maine.

Monthly Potluck & Meeting

Our next official meeting will be February 2, 2023

5:30pm at the Weld Free Library

We are having a GAME NIGHT this month. Bring any sort of game you would like to potentially play…dominoes, cards, board games, word games, party games, etc. Once we have gathered, we will decide what and how to play. Sharing each other’s company has been such a joy, we hope you will join us…

Also, if you can, bring a finger foods/appetizers to share so we can eat and play at the same time.

Don’t worry if you don’t have time to bring something, show up anyway. We always have lots of delicious food!

Spring Seed Swap

Spring approaches and it’s time to start seedlings! Bring your extra seeds to swap for seeds you don’t have. Flowers, herbs, vegetables, tree seeds…all seeds welcome. You can even bring dahlia tubers or seed potatoes.

During our meeting we will be deciding some details about our upcoming events as well as making decisions about the structure of our organization. Your input is valued!

March 2, 2023

5:30pm at the Weld Free Library

Potluck and  Business meeting too!

Baking Bread Tutorial

Our special event for this month will be a bread baking tutorial lead by Diana Demers. Come learn the basics of preparing your own delicious loaf of bread.

Date/time/location to be determined

Our regularly scheduled Business meeting and potluck will be March 2, 2023, 5:30pm at the Weld Free Library. This is NOT the same time as the bread tutorial.

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